Solution Overview is a one-stop hub for those interested in donating to projects related to nature conservation and/or climate change mitigation, and now offers specialized dashboards for both donors and participating project owners.


I joined Develop For Good as a volunteer User Experience Designer in January 2021. My team partnered with Climate Donor, a non-profit focused on global climate change mitigation and species conservation. Our project has continued for two cycles now (Winter → Spring and Spring → Summer), with our goal to ship Climate Donor's new website in June.

As of October 2021, this project (with fully completed designs) has been handed off to an additional development cycle within Develop For Good. The site will be launched in early 2022.


<aside> 💭 How might we enhance Climate Donor's existing site so that information about environmental impact projects is presented in a more actionable way?


<aside> 💭 How might we expand Climate Donor's website for a higher range of use cases?


<aside> 💭 How might we optimize customer operations on the platform?


Our clients currently use a standard Squarespace website. However, this site does not provide the functionality or the flexibility that our clients needed to accommodate multiple customer types and operations. For instance, they wanted to add functionality that allowed for donors to keep track of how their money is spent and the progress of the projects they are supporting.

Other goals that the clients presented to our team were:

